Thursday, July 22, 2010

Filling the Empty: Genesis 1

The ocean has always frightened me. The fear comes from a subliminal possibility of being sucked out to sea and stranded upon the ocean, alone, by myself. Drowning and dangerous sea creatures do not frighten me, but the possibility of being alone does.


Here in Genesis 1:2 we see the earth... empty, alone... void, nothing in it:

"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep..."

You see it here in this passage. There was nothing on the planet, just an open expanse of water... what a dreadful sight that must have been! You have two things that were there... and two things that were not. Notice that there was NO FORM... no shape, no order, no color!!! and there was also a VOID, which mean that there was NOTHING there... it was EMPTY... no LIFE whatsoever! Yet there was that scary expanse of water.. that "deep". There was also darkness. Now the ocean is scary enough... but now, add Darkness...Yikes!! What an Empty, Lifeless, Dark place this was. Yet... there is HOPE!!!

"...And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."

Now, in my personal opinion, this is one of the most Exciting verses in the Bible. Here is the Earth: Empty, Dark, Lifeless... and there is the Spirit of the All-Mighty God, who is full of everything, who is light, who is life... hovering over that vast expanse of water. We have here a contrast!!! This contrast between God and the world will be played out over and over again through scripture. Story after story, precept upon precept, we will see how the world measures up to God and how God measures up to the world. Frankly there is no comparison.

Another reason why this verse is so exciting is because we see the possibility for God to do something... something amazing. As we know from scripture, God doesn't like to share his Glory. He must have all the credit, he must have all the glory, because He is God!!! Here is God, hovering over the water... Here is God, face to face with an empty, lifeless world... and He sees potential. When we are empty of everything... when we have nothing to offer, when our lives are like the world of Genesis one... empty, lifeless, confused and dark.. there and there only, will God begin to work!!!

God is a God who wants to fill the emptiness, bring order to the disorder, bring life where there is none. He is a God who seeks to fill!!!

The first thing God wants to do is to bring LIGHT!!! He shines His light to a heart of darkness. With light we have to potential to live. Here is the starting point of new life, a new start and fresh start in LIGHT.. the Light that only God can give.

Second God seeks to separate. He wants to divide us from the deep, the depths of sin... He wants to make us different. God seeks to separate us from those things that cause us to be lonely and those things that bring fear.

Third, God seeks to bring Life. God is life, and He wants us to have True Life in Him. This happens, when we allow Him to sow the seeds of the Word of God in our lives. We have life when we take the precious promises of God and obey them. Here is life... that we live for Him.

Fourth, God seeks to give us direction, to give us order within our lives. He doesn't want us to just wander about the earth with no where to go. He gives us His word, by which we can see what is to come and what is going on. He gives us prayer, so that we can seek His heart on anything in our lives. He gives us His Holy Spirit through which we can have a connection with Him!

Fifth, God seeks to fill us. He saw the land... it was empty, so He created vegetation. He saw the empty oceans... so He created the sea creatures. He saw the empty skies... and He created the birds of the air. God fills the voids in your life. He is passionate about filling the cracks of your dry heart with His love. The empty heart can find much at the gracious hand of God.

Sixth, God seeks to give us companionship. God want us to be with our own kind, our own people... the people that share the same heart, the heart of God. Fellowship in Jesus is so important for our lives as followers of God. If we feel empty, God has given us fellowship with others to fill that void that is caused by loneliness.

Seventh, God seeks to give us rest. He wants us to enjoy what He has given, He wants us to relax in His work. The world had nothing to offer God, it had no Help to give. God does the work... He fills the void.

If you are empty today, confused by life... darkened by sin. God wants to fill you with so much. If you are struggling in your life and feel so lonely... God wants to fill the deep cut of spiritual isolation. God is your Friend, and He is your Filler!!! Go to His hand for what you need... there and there only will you be glutted with His sweet presence!!!

Welcome to Loving His Word

"Therefore I love Your commandments More than gold, yes, than fine gold!" ~ Psalms 119:127

Welcome to Loving His Word, a ministry of Calvary Chapel Long Beach. Our passion is Jesus, Our desire is to know Him more... we do this through the careful study of His precious Word, focussed prayer to the Father and Fellowship with the Body of Christ. All of this is done while being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Check out our future posts and we are excited to see how the Lord will use this new venue to share His love for the world.

~ Calvary Chapel Long Beach